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Supported Charitable Organizations Ace Roofing & Construction Donates To, In The Naples, FL Area

Below are some of the organizations we have been able to help support over the years. Support of these organizations is only made possible by you!


If you have the means to help contribute to any of these organizations as well please do so. If you can't afford to do so many of these organizations are looking for volunteers to reach out to them.


At Ace Roofing we feel it is extremely important to give back to our community!


We look forward to many more years of business and many more years of support for these organizations. Being our sister company is located in Toledo, Ohio these are many of the organizations we have contributed to over the years.

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Organizations You Help Support Through Your Business With Ace Roofing

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For 65 years, Cherry Street has served the homeless and poor.


Jessie and Bertha Fleck founded Cherry Street Mission Ministries in 1947 to provide free soup, soap, salvation, and shelter to people in need.  In the years since, Cherry Street has continued to shelter, feed, clothe, and share the Gospel with the homeless and poor who seek our help.


In 1995, Cherry Street Missions name was changed to Cherry Street Mission Ministries to better communicate that we’d widened our work beyond our original ministry to homeless men. 


Today, in addition to meeting people’s critical basic needs, Cherry Street empowers them to break the bonds of homelessness and poverty and build new lives for themselves.


Ace Roofing has supported Cherry Street over the years with financial donations as well as donations of food and other goods.



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Toledo Gospel Rescue Missions exists to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless and low income throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.


Ace Roofing has supported TGRM through donations over the years.


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Best Roofer Naples FL - Naples Roofer -  Naples Roof Repair - Hurricane Roof Repair Naples - Emergency Roof Repair Naples is a church of unique people meeting at campuses across Northwest Ohio. Every week, churchgoers join together to worship God and to see and hear a relevant and powerful message, teaching Biblical truths. Cedar Creek is deeply committed and passionate about sharing the love of Christ by caring for each other and positively impacting our communities.


The mission of is to help spiritually restless and unchurched people love Jesus, serve others and tell the world about Christ.


Ace Roofing has supported Cedar Creek over the years with financial donations, volunteering time, and donating goods for various events Cedar Creek has hosted.



Campus Crusade for Chris was created to Help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship


CCC's Mission is to win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements.


Ace Roofing has helped support CCC financially over the years.


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Evangelism & Outreach

Around the world and around the clock, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of people every year.


Discipleship & Training

Every day the BGEA is training and equipping believers to follow Christ and live out the Gospel for a watching world.


Children & Youth

The BGEA is engaged in a bold mission to help church leaders minister to children and youth, through the use of these great resources.


Ace Roofing has supported the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association over the years.

Operation Smile is an international children's medical charity that performs safe, effective cleft lip and cleft palate surgery, and delivers postoperative and ongoing medical therapies to children in low and middle-income countries.


Operation Smile is more than a charity. They are a mobilized force of international medical professionals and caring hearts. Operation Smile is a pioneer in advocating for the importance of safe surgery in resource-poor environments and is the largest surgical charity of its kind, leading research into the causes of cleft lip and cleft palate, and its prevention, treatment, and eradication.


Every three minutes a child is born with a cleft. A child with a cleft has twice the odds of dying before their first birthday. Children with cleft conditions who survive may have difficulty eating, speaking, hearing or breathing properly. In some places, they are shunned and rejected. And in too many cases, their parents can't afford the surgeries they need to live a productive life.


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Every child deserves access to safe, quality surgical care. Every child deserves a future filled with hope.


That's where Smile comes in as the largest volunteer-based children's medical charity providing free cleft surgeries. Since 1982, Operation Smile — through the help of dedicated medical volunteers — has provided 220,000 free surgical procedures for children and young adults. Our work creates a lasting global impact. Smile trains local medical professionals in developing countries and strengthens healthcare systems so more children in some of the poorest areas in the world can be treated.


As one of the most prominent charities for children in the world, Smile works in over 60 countries to heal children’s smiles and bring hope for a better future. Together, we are saving children’s lives.


Ace Roofing has help Operation Smile by donating funds that have changed many children's lives!


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Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.


Compassion's work has grown from modest beginnings in South Korea in 1952 when American evangelist Rev. Everett Swanson felt compelled to help 35 children orphaned by the Korean conflict. Today it is a worldwide ministry where millions of children are now reaping the benefits of one man's clear, God-given vision.


Ace Roofing has supported numerous children through Compassion International throughout the years.

Feed the Children exists to end childhood hunger. It’s the cause upon which we were founded 35 years ago and the one that we continue to fight for each and every day.


We know it takes the power of many to end childhood hunger for good. We connect donors, experts, partners, leaders and communities to attack the problem from all angles.


We are taking a stand and we will not rest until every child has enough to eat.


Ace Roofing has provided financial support for Feed The Children over the years.

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Best Roofer Naples FL - Naples Roofer -  Naples Roof Repair - Hurricane Roof Repair Naples - Emergency Roof Repair Naples

YES FM has a heart for the young people of Northwest / West-Central Ohio and Southeast Michigan. Through all the pressures and struggles that face teens and young adults in our culture, YES FM strives to be a positive influence, demonstrating the hope that is to be found in Jesus Christ.


As that hope is shown, we also believe the promise Christ has given us, that if we lift Him up, He will draw all men unto Himself, regardless of age, background, or economic status (John 12:32).


Ace Roofing has been an underwriter for Yes FM for years.

It's actually all about you! At K-LOVE, we strive to give you the best music and material that you can find on the radio.


• Because KLove is listener supported, they play more music...for you!

• You’re faced with enough bad news. That’s why KLove shares positive and encouraging stories every day.

• KLove's hope is to help you better understand your relationship with God and how that applies to your everyday life.

• KLove is there when you need them. They have Pastors on staff and available to pray with you.

• KLove can help you make a difference. They'll find ways to impact your world and make it easy for you to join in.


Ace Roofing has supported KLove financially over the years

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The Mission of Dominion Broadcasting WLMB-TV 40 is to provide Christ-centered television of high technical quality and programming excellence to uplift, unite, educate, challenge, and encourage viewers in a manner consistent with the teachings of God's Word.


Ace Roofing has supported WLMB Toledo financially over the years,

LIFE Outreach International is a Christian, faith-based organization committed to expressing God's love in both word and deed. This commitment is in answer to Jesus' challenge to spread the Good News of His salvation to all people and every nation.


Life does this by proclaiming God's love through our media ministry and evangelistic efforts and demonstrating His love through deeds of compassion.


Through all of Life Today's ministry outreaches - the LIFE TODAY television ministry, evangelistic outreaches, LIFE Centers, feeding programs, water well drilling, Homes for LIFE, disaster relief and other mission projects - They share the love of Christ.


Ace Roofing has supported Life Today financially over the years,

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Best Roofer Naples FL - Naples Roofer -  Naples Roof Repair - Hurricane Roof Repair Naples - Emergency Roof Repair Naples

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. They provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.


FOF is here to come alongside families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. They support families as they seek to teach their children about God and His beautiful design for the family, protect themselves from the harmful influences of culture and equip themselves to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them.


No matter who you are, what you’re going through or what challenges your family may be facing, FOF is here to help. With practical resources - like their 1-800 Family Helpline, counseling, and websites – they are committed to providing trustworthy, biblical guidance and support.


Ace Roofing has supported Focus on the Family financially over the years,

Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes. They believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides them. It inspires them to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids they serve.


Ace Roofing has supported Make a Wish financially over the years,

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Best Roofer Naples FL - Naples Roofer -  Naples Roof Repair - Hurricane Roof Repair Naples - Emergency Roof Repair Naples

Founded in 1990 with the mandate to protect religious and constitutional freedoms, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation that includes representing clients before the Supreme Court of the United States and international tribunals around the globe.


As ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow continued to build his legal and legislative team, the ACLJ experienced tremendous success in litigating cases at all levels of the judiciary – from the federal district court level to the Supreme Court of the United States.


Over the last two decades, Sekulow has appeared before the Supreme Court of the United States on numerous occasions, successfully arguing precedent-setting cases before the high Court: Protecting the free speech rights of pro-life demonstrators. 

Safeguarding the constitutional rights of religious groups to have equal access to public facilities. Ensuring that public school students could form and participate in religious organizations, including Bible clubs, on campus. Guaranteeing that minors could participate in the political process by protecting their free speech rights in the political setting.


Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the ACLJ’s work reaches across the globe with affiliated offices in Israel, Russia, Kenya, France, Pakistan, South Korea, and Zimbabwe. In addition to its religious liberties work, the ACLJ also focuses on constitutional law involving the issues of national security, human life, marriage, judicial nominations, pornography, and protecting patriotic expressions such as our National Motto and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ace Roofing has financially supported ACLJ over the years.

Monclova Christian Academy, partnering with Christian families, exists to provide a quality, Christ-centered education integrated with a Christian view of God and the world.


Monclova Christian Academy (MCA) is chartered non-public school, recognized by the state of Ohio, that offers a quality Christian education for your children from kindergarten through high school.


Ace Roofing has financially supported MCA over the years.

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Best Roofer Naples FL - Naples Roofer -  Naples Roof Repair - Hurricane Roof Repair Naples - Emergency Roof Repair Naples

Proclaim has been in Toledo since 1966 because they care about you! At Proclaim FM, they're aiming to provide music and teaching that will change your life forever.


There’s more and worse news in the world it seems, but they're here to share with you some good news…news about what Jesus has done for us that will make an eternal difference in your life.


Their prayer is that we can share Truth that will help you in day to day life, and draw you closer to God.



They believe in encouraging one another, and being there for each other.  Any of their team here would be glad to pray with and for you.


They're about more than just saying what we believe.  They believe in showing what they believe in practical ways. Because of that, they’ll be helping you get plugged in to serving the community and letting you know what volunteer opportunities and needs there are in Greater Toledo.


Ace Roofing has been a Proclaim FM sponsor for years.


St. Jerome is a welcoming, vibrant Catholic community located in Walbridge, Ohio.  The parish reaches out to all to provide support and growth through the celebration and promotion of the teachings of Jesus Christ.  They are a growing parish that has much to offer.


As Roman Catholics, they seek to honor their faith tradition by authentically presenting it in their community, especially to Catholics who have become disconnected to the Church. 


Ace Roofing has been a St. Jerome Church supporter for years.


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Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Roman Catholic Community that seeks to respond to their baptismal call to bear witness to Christ's presence through their liturgical worship, faith formation, evangelization, responsible stewardship, and loving care of all God's people. They proceed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the patronage of Mary.


Ace Roofing has been an Our Lady of Mount Carmel supporter for years.


Located near the Earth City Business Park in St. Louis, MO, they operate from a 96,000-square-foot distribution center.


The convenience of being near every major highway makes this site accessible for volunteers, partner agencies, and donors. Since relocating from 5959 St. Louis Avenue to 70 Corporate Woods Drive in June 2007, their community impact has grown from 12 million pounds to 35 million pounds of food distributed to those in need last year.


Ace Roofing has sponsored the St. louis Area Foodbank over the years.

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